Kliegel Anne Heng
a dialogue with your organs as an art of healing
the wisdom of your body
Ewald Kliegel
Organs are complex structures of tissues and cells that perform
specific functions in the body. So far, the definition sounds clear.
But unfortunately, our bodies can not be as easily classified. Are the
accordingly organs? Or - is the immune system a separate organ, since
it consists of a great variety of individual functional units?
Let's go one step further: for a medical surgeon the organs are in the truest
sense of the word "tangible". In psychosomatic point of view, organs are described in their mental influences. For
the Traditional Chinese Medicine organs are functional circuits. The
ancient Egyptians saw them as personified gods. According to the latest findings in biophysics the quality of internal
communication is responsible for what comprises an organ and in a
spiritual point of view, we are dealing with essentials that allow us in
their physical manifestations a life on this planet.
Depending on how we look at our organs our concept of healing will be
accordingly. An organ is dependent on the information streams,
in which it is embedded. One of our major basic building blocks of our
health lies in the fact that these currents can flow unimpeded. But
healing goes beyond that. Here at the latest we come in contact with
the spiritual essence of our organs, with phenomenons we can not seize
in a mechanistic way of thinking.
How we can approach our organs? The access, which is most commonly used
is the one via diseases or deficits. This is also the major route of
medicine and its disciplines of anatomy, physiology and pathology. It
is a way that allows us an insight into the
organs to a certain degree. However, we must take apart the organs
mentally (and often also
physically) and divide. This way, unity is inevitably lost. A step
further, we are in psychosomatic medicine, but even here we get caught
eventually in the deficits. The path that brings us closer to the
mystery of our
body - after medical
diagnosis and psychosomatic questioning - is the contemplative
viewing our organs, regarding their services
and support for our life. Here we encounter a wonderful world that is
waiting behind the bodily organs. Eventually we experience that the
essences of our organs take care for our
well-being, health and healing - and they are very patient
in waiting for our attention.