Kliegel Anne Heng
a dialogue with your organs as an art of healing
the wisdom of your body
Ewald Kliegel
One of the biggest misconceptionsof health is the assumption that it is about
organs when we speak of healing. Of course, the organs are the carriers
of our vital functions, but with our healing impulses we basically
treat functions; and these are much more far-reaching than the organs
in their physical, mental and emotional characteristics. What sounds
like a small quibble has extensive consequences. A function is not
directly tangible, but can only be determined indirectly on the basis
of conclusions. An organ function is in addition dependent on many
other factors (eg environment, emotional mood, stress and relaxation).
Another misconception arises from the consideration of the difference
health and healing. If we operate a diseased organ it will be
surgically and mechanistically restored, i.e. cured, while we often
experience that only then the real healing process begins at soul
level. So a spiritual approach to healing includes much more than
physical health. In this sense, a person who is in a wheelchair due to
an accident can be really heal if he or she had found his or her meaning in life
(perhaps even by that accident), whereas a physically healthy person
can be in search of healing a lifetime. Quite different a shaman will
consider this subject. Here, an apparently intact organ can be
spiritually highly disturbed which may appear in a completely different
way and context. That, for instance, can be responsible for displeasure
in life or even weariness of life.
Here it soon becomes clear that what we call healing and heal of this
is dependent on how we look at our bodies, whether we see ourself as
a physical being having spiritual components, or whether we see
ourself as a spiritual being having a body. Unfortunately, we often
recognize only the first approach to be valid.
Once we stick on that trail the definition of health of H.G.
Gadamer brings us closer to this subject as he wrote that health would
be the "pleasurable silence of the organs"
Healing goes far beyond that. If we follow the statements of famous
healers we'll come quite quickly to terms such as "wholeness" or
experiences of "unity" - and over again we encounter a comprehensive
love in many forms, but first and foremost a love for ourself as a
perfect being who is capable of literally radiate healing.
However, this implies by no means to belittle the blessings of modern
medicine, but to see healing in a synthesis of
medical-physical, psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual
endeavour. In
this way, each health craft becomes a healing art that will be
infectious by love.