Ewald Kliegel Anne Heng   Ewald Kliegel        Anne Heng  
        (Text)              (Organ-Pictures)

please notice also my books

Let Your Body Speak - The Essential Nature of Our Organs (ISBN 9781844096268) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS
Let Your Body Speak - The Essential Nature of Our Organs (ISBN 9781844096268) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS

coming soon
Body Healing Cards – a card deck with 56 full-color cards and a 128-page booklet (ISBN 9781644112557) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS
Body Healing Cards – a card deck with 56 full-color cards and a 128-page booklet (ISBN 9781644112557) - Ewald Kliegel (text) - Anne Heng (illustrations) - Findhorn Press at INNER TRADITIONS

Crystal Wands - for Massage Therapy, Reflexology, and Energy Medicine - explores the healing properties and indications for more than 70 crystal wands (ISBN 9781620556481) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS
Crystal Wands - for Massage Therapy, Reflexology, and Energy Medicine - explores the healing properties and indications for more than 70 crystal wands (ISBN 9781620556481) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS

Holistic Reflexology - a guide to integrating reflexology treatments with complementary therapies to restore energetic balance, relieve pain, and maximize healing - with more than 30 full-color maps of reflex zones systems from head to toe, including the ears, mouth, tongue, fingernails, and torso - (ISBN 9781620557532) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS
Holistic Reflexology - a guide to integrating reflexology treatments with complementary therapies to restore energetic balance, relieve pain, and maximize healing - with more than 30 full-color maps of reflex zones systems from head to toe, including the ears, mouth, tongue, fingernails, and torso - (ISBN 9781620557532) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS

©Ewald Kliegel contact@ewald-kliegel.de
All content is protected by copyright laws

important ! * * all applications are carefully researched and tested * * but they do not replace medical or natural healing evaluations and treatments * * all texts and illustrations in this website are protected by copyright
The Essential Nature of Our Organs - how to access the elemental beings of the organsLET YOUR BODY SPEAK
a dialogue with your organs as an art of healing
           the wisdom of your body                        
Ewald Kliegel                  
 access to the organs - Loving Mindfulness
loving mindfulness

access to the organs - Reflexology

access to the organs - Acupressure

access to the organs - Meditation

access to the organs - Crystals

access to the organs - Organ Healing Cards
organ healing cards

The essential characteristic of reflexology is that they show us how the regulation of energy is arranged in our bodies. We can perceive in which way our inner processes fell out of their optimal regulation and we can normalize the these functions.

So we can use reflexology, our maps of health on the body surface in three ways, which are equally side by side:

If a reflexology zone is disturbed, the corresponding organ will be impaired in various ways. Three main ranges are then most possibly affected:

All of these areas is a principle superior: The regulation of organ functions.
Long before an organ gets ill and an disorder can be clinically detected, it suffers in its regulation. In most organs it requires a reduction of one third of the function before we perceive at all a symptom and organ failure can be proved in the laboratory.
About halfway to a functional impairment, we can largely lead a "normal" life with restrictions and only if two-thirds of an organ are affected it will threatening our lives. This ability of compensation we owe our survival. On the other hand, we register thereby very late, when something goes wrong in the body. Here, reflexology offers new approaches.
As finely tuned display system it reveals to us the quality of regulation in the organism and allows us early - even before we feel something - to optimize the body regulation. In this sense, reflexology treatments are an excellent regulation training for the body and the connection to the mind.

You'll find more about reflexology in my web reflexology.ewald-kliegel
Holistic Reflexology - a guide to integrating reflexology treatments with complementary therapies to restore energetic balance, relieve pain, and maximize healing - with more than 30 full-color maps of reflex zones systems from head to toe, including the ears, mouth, tongue, fingernails, and torso - (ISBN 9781620557532) - Ewald Kliegel - INNER TRADITIONS