In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years energy
channels play an important role. These "meridians" pass through the
organism like irrigation channels and provide body and soul with
energy. There are 26 main meridians, 12 on the left half of the body 12
on the right half, one on the centre line on the front and one at the
rear centre line. Although the bilateral meridians have references to
the organs and are named after them, such as
“liver”, “lung”,
“heart” or “kidney” meridian, their meanings are much more far-reaching than our anatomical,
physiological or pathological ideas.
In this concept of energy channels as in an irrigation system the
effort is to keep the flow everywhere consistently and in harmony.
Thus, the physical and mental balance is obtained and our overall
well-being is ensured. The areas that are supplied by a meridian will
suffer when it is empty, just as if it is too full. Therefore, all
treatments have the aim to fill empty meridians and balance out the
ones which are overflowing.
For this purpose, we can trace the "river courses" with our fingers or
with crystal wands and we can activate selectively the "floodgates" -
the acupressure points.
When it comes to directing energy
wands will be a good choice.
Thus we are able to conduct excessive energy accumulation in
under-supplied areas to revive them, and on the other hand derive
jammed energies in order to relax the situation.
The crystal wands have proven their effectiveness for more than two
decades. Their shape allows an optimal tracing or massaging the
meridians. In addition, the different effects of the gemstone assist us
in balancing the energy flows. So we can use for example a crystal wand
made of red jasper for an energetically under-supplied meridian and on
the other hand a crystal wand out of aventurine will equalize an
exuberant meridian.